Stirling Faux - Weekday Afternoons



This Vancouver Radio Legend has done it all. And now he's catching the WAVE!

 Where did you hear him first?

 For your pub trivia contests, here's a history of Stirling.

CKSO/ CKSO-TV/ CICI-TV Sudbury ON 1970; CFTR Toronto 1972-73; PD CFOM Quebec City 1973-74; CKLG Vancouver circa 1974-75; CFOX-FM 1980-87; CFMI-FM 1987-early 1990s; Lotto 649 announcer BCTV Vancouver; Consulting Associate Peak Communicators Vancouver 1999-2003; instructor Introduction to Broadcast & Media BCIT 2000-05; Stirling Faux Show CKNW/ Corus Radio Network 2001-05; Morning News with Stirling Faux host CHQR Calgary 2005-07; PR consulting Calgary 2007-09; swing then morning host and Boomer Life​ and The Law Show host CISL Vancouver 2009-15; host The Money and Wealth Show CHEK-TV Victoria 2010-11; host The Money and Wealth Show Howe Street Media/ Talk Digital Network 2011-13; host Vancouver Consumer CKNW 2016-20; morning host CIRH-FM Vancouver 2017;